Advanced Filter & Keyword Search

Search the Lindau Mediatheque
The mediatheque’s page design reflects the major research sources accessible on this unique online paltform. In order to enable a targeted and fast research, the mediatheque offers a page-specific search with various filter options in addition to a full text keyword search. The filter search for each rubric page is slightly adjusted according to the page-specific needs. You may apply filters according to content type, content discipline, language and selective time periods.

Full-text Search
The mediatheque enables a fast full text search performance with autocomplete suggestions as well as data ranking at search. Full text research can be combined with the advanced filter options.

Advanced Search
Each rubric page offers page-specific filter options. You can filter specific time periods, disciplines, languages or various content categories related to the page-specific content. If the correct spelling of name is not known, an alphabetical query is also possible. Furthermore, it is possible to filter German or/and non-English content as well as German or/and English subtitles. With the help of sorting symbols above the filter result area, the results can be displayed as a text-based list overview or as an image teaser overview, according to taste.
Our Didactic Filter to be found in the Educational section of this platform filters the mediatheque’s teaching-relevant material according to teaching subject and grade level.