46th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting > Programme

Find the programme in timetable format here.

Monday, 1 July 1996

10:55 - 11:35 Lecture LectureSir Andrew Huxley
Forgetfulness in Science
11:35 - 12:15 Lecture LectureAllan Cormack
Salute to Röntgen: 100 Years of Internal Imaging

Tuesday, 2 July 1996

09:00 - 09:45 Lecture LectureJoseph Murray
The Role of Surgery in Medical Progress
09:45 - 10:50 Lecture LectureGertrude Elion
Antiviral Chemotherapy: Successes and Challenges
10:50 - 11:35 Lecture LectureCarleton Gajdusek
Viliuisk Encephalomyelitis - an Unelucidated Infectious Disease of the Sakha People of Siberia
11:35 - 12:20 Lecture LectureThomas Weller
About Emerging Diseases

Wednesday, 3 July 1996

09:00 - 09:45 Lecture LectureBert Sakmann
Signal Transfer in the Normal and Genetically Altered Brain
09:45 - 10:50 Lecture LectureEdmond Fischer
The Two Faces of Cell Signaling
10:50 - 11:35 Lecture LectureHartmut Michel
From Photosynthesis to Respiration - Transformation of Structure and Energy of Membrane-Proteincomplexes
11:35 - 12:20 Lecture LectureErwin Neher
The Range of Action of a Second Messenger During Transmitter Release: Influx, Diffusion and Impact of Calcium
12:20 - 13:05 Lecture LectureMartin Rodbell
The Complexity of Biological Communication; a Paradigm for Human Societies

Thursday, 4 July 1996

09:00 - 09:45 Lecture LectureChristiane Nüsslein-Volhard
The Identification of Genes Controlling Development in Flies and Fishes
09:45 - 10:50 Lecture LectureHamilton Smith
Sequencing Bacterial Genomes
10:50 - 11:20 Lecture LectureJohann Deisenhofer
Photolayase: DNA - Repair through Energy from Light
11:20 - 12:20 Lecture LectureRichard Roberts
On the Evolution of Base Flipping
12:20 - 13:05 Lecture LectureWerner Arber
Is Biological Evolution Genetically Determined?

Friday, 5 July 1996

08:00 - 18:00 Boat Trip Boat TripBoat-Trip to the Isle of Mainau for Laureates and students