Breakfast: Science Meets Social Entrepreneurship

Hosted by Boehringer Ingelheim

Thursday, 28 June 2018
07:00 - 08:30 CEST


“Making this world a healthier place”, this is the aim of Boehringer Ingelheim’s social entrepreneurial initiative Making More Health (MMH). Fostering entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial thinking and doing is the focus of the global activities of this initiative. MMH supports more than 85 social entrepreneurs worldwide, involved in various health-related topics. Francesca Fedeli (Italy), one of these social entrepreneurs out of the MMH network is among the co-founders of “Fightthestroke”, a Social Enterprise advocating for young stroke survivors. “FighttheStroke” moves rehabilitation for pediatric stroke outside of the traditional hospital setting and into the family home. Francesca is part of the Making More Health network and supporting the activities of the MMH initiative.
Prof. Martina Brueckmann is the co-founder of “Health Community Workers” an intrapreneurial initiative for a program of different live saving sessions in developing areas of South India, such as nutrition, sanitation, safety, hypertension and diabetes. This 12-module program is running in collaboration with a local NGO (non-governmental organization) and local doctors in South India to improve more health in these rural areas and to bring knowledge of better healthcare to these areas. This partner breakfast will give you insights about entrepreneurial activities in healthcare and the aim and opportunity how to create social entrepreneurial approaches arising from exceptional situations in life.

Prof. Martina Brueckmann is associate Therapeutic Area Head in Cardiometabolic Medicine responsible for Global Clinical Development and late-stage clinical trials in cardiovascular diseases at Boehringer Ingelheim. She is a medical doctor specialized in Cardiology. During her professional career at the University Hospitals in Heidelberg and Mannheim, Germany (1997-2008) she has done preclinical and clinical research on inflammation, coagulation, and heart failure. Her scientific work at the University in Heidelberg-Mannheim and at Boehringer Ingelheim resulted in more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Joining Boehringer Ingelheim in 2008 she has been the responsible clinical program lead for the development of the direct thrombin inhibitor Dabigatran etexilate (Pradaxa®) across multiple indications, such as in stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation, in patients with artificial heart valves or with embolic stroke. At present, she leads the global development program of the antidiabetic medication Jardiance® (Empagliflozin) for the treatment of patients with heart failure. She is conducting lectures for Medical Students at the University of Heidelberg-Mannheim in Germany. Since 2016, she is involved in Boehringer Ingelheim`s Making More Health Initiative and is the co-founder of the Health Community Worker Program, an initiative to bring more health awareness and knowledge into rural areas of South India.

Francesca Fedeli is the co-founder of, a Social Enterprise advocating for young stroke survivors, such as her little son Mario. Their story is told in the book 'Fight and smile', published by Sperling & Kupfer in 2015. Early diagnosis and new rehabilitation techniques based on mirror neurons (, savvy usage of tech and neuroeducation are just some of the battles carried out by Fightthestroke, as told in events such as TED global (2013) and World Business Forum (2015). Fightthestroke actively participates in international conversations on scientific and social innovation, inclusive design and accessibility, and serves on the Board of Directors of the International Alliance for Pediatric Stroke; his founders have been selected for the Eisenhower Fellowship on Innovation (2014), the first Italian Ashoka Fellowship (2015) and Global Good Fund Fellowship (2017). Fightthestroke is also TEDMED ambassador for Live events in Italy since 2014, promoter of the first Hackathon in Medicine and proud founder of the first Neonatal and Pediatric Stroke Center in Italy.

Event timings
07:00 – 07:30 Breakfast
07:30 – 08:40 Panel and Q&A Discussion