Online Science Days 2020

*** Please note, all times indicated in the programme are CEST ***

The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are excited to announce the Online Science Days 2020 taking place from 28 June - 1 July. We are looking forward to presenting four days of engaging online sessions with Nobel Laureates, Lindau Alumni and Young Scientists and Young Economists. The programme for the #LINOSD can be found here.

Learn more about our Online Science Days on our website and explore the different projects of our alumni, young scientists and young economists on "Lindau Guidelines", "Communicating Climate Change" as well as "Capitalism after Corona" on the homepage of the sciathon.

Photo of Online Science Days 2020


Picture of Greetings from Bavarian State Minister of Science and the Arts Bernhard Sibler

Other Highlights12 NOV 2020Greetings from Bavarian State Minister of Science and the Arts Bernhard SiblerBernhard Sibler, Bavarian State Minister of Science and the Arts, welcomes the participants of the Online Science Days 2020.

Picture of Greetings from Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg

Other Highlights12 NOV 2020Greetings from Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science, Research and Arts Baden-WürttembergTheresia Bauer, Minister of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg, welcomes the participants of the Online Science Days 2020.

Picture of Lindau Impressions 02

Other Highlights12 NOV 2020Lindau Impressions 02Part 02 of the Lindau Impression series: Nobel Lab 360° of Alvin Roth - Lindau Guidelines - Lindau Spirit



Here you can find the meeting schedule in detail.


Find a list of all participating Laureates here.

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Explore the Laureates' life paths in an interactive world map.