New Outlook on Nuclear Fusion to Combat Climate Change

Partner Event hosted by C5 Capital; Ian Chapman, Tom Scott, David Kingham; Moderator: André Pienaar

Monday, 27 June 2022
07:00 - 08:30 CEST


We face a dual-headed challenge of increasing energy demand and the need to cut greenhouse gas emissions by half or more by 2030. The window for limiting climate change is narrowing, and the technologies available today may not be up to scratch. While electricity and heat production remain the primary drivers of carbon dioxide emissions, nuclear fusion has the potential to provide a clean, safe, and steady torrent of electricity, as a leading solution in the fight against climate change. The panelists will share insights on why the nuclear market is at an inflection point, and how we can speed up the pace of progress and experimentation with more approaches to fusion at the Partner Event/Partner Breakfast on Monday 27June at 7:00 am CEST. The breakfast will be hosted by C5 Capital, a specialist venture capital firm investing in energy security. This discussion will reflect on the current state of play in the nuclear fusion market and the forward-looking requirements for continued progress.

Professor Tom Scott, the UKAEA / Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Advancing the Fusion Energy Fuel Cycle, will present as a panellist. The session will be moderated by André Pienaar, Chief Executive and Founder of C5 Capital.