Workshop Lindau Guidelines: Merits

Moderator: Leonhard Möckl

Thursday, 29 June 2023
17:00 - 18:30 CEST


The Lindau Guidelines formulate 10 goals in service of helping the scientific community to adopt a responsible and open culture, abiding by ethical standards while addressing the global challenges humanity is facing in the 21st century. Since the release of the Guidelines in June 2020, they have attracted considerable attention and have been endorsed by a large number of scientists as well as by various institutions worldwide. Nevertheless, their practical implementation in the everyday scientific workflow is yet to be fully realized.

The workshops on the Lindau Guidelines aim to develop strategies to anchor the Guidelines within the day-to-day work of scientists. We want to find ways to make the Guidelines into a useful and robust set of standards instead of them being regarded as merely abstract ideas. We will focus on Guideline 7 (“Change Reward Systems”) and Guideline 8 (“Support All Talent”). Young Scientists from all career stages are invited to contribute to this process. The workshop will put a strong emphasis on active participation in order to collect as many ideas as possible from a broad and diverse group of scientists. By the conclusion of the workshop, we want to have made a substantial step towards actionable proposals to bring Guideline 7 and 8 towards a general and lasting implementation.

The two workshops will begin with a joint introduction and end with a joint plenary part. In between, participants will work on the topics they registered for.

Moderator: Leonhard Möckl, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen (Alumnus)