74th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

The 74th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Chemistry) takes place from 29 June to 4 July 2025. #LINO25 welcomes around 35 Nobel Laureates in Lindau. They will exchange ideas with more than 600 Young Scientists from all over the world to engage in fruitful discussions and inspiring encounters.

The chemistry visual seeks to represent the discovery of all known protein structures as the basis of the most recent Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to David Baker, Demis Hassabis, and John M. Jumper. Thanks to his newly developed computational methods, David Baker was successful in designing entirely new proteins while Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper took the prediction of three-dimensional protein structures with the help of AI to a new level.
Credit: Image created by Evan Ingersoll & Gaël McGill, Digizyme Inc.

Photo of 74th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting



Here you can find the meeting schedule in detail.


Find a list of all participating Laureates here.