Prof. Dr. Oliver Smithies

Nationality United Kingdom

Institution University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Award 2007

Discipline Physiology/Medicine

Co-recipients Sir Martin J. Evans , Mario R. Capecchi

Read CV

Further Information on the Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize

Photo of Oliver  Smithies


Picture of Oliver Smithies

Lectures34 MIN | JUL 2015Oliver SmithiesIdeas Come from Many Places

Picture of The Long Goodbye

Educational Videos13 MIN | OCT 2014The Long GoodbyeSuperstar statistician Hans Rosling and Laureate Oliver Smithies discuss research targets of science in the face of an increasing world average life expectancy.

Picture of May Cause Drowsiness

Educational Videos11 MIN | OCT 2014May Cause DrowsinessMartin Evans and fellow Laureate Oliver Smithies on the accompanied side effects of drugs.


Research Profile

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Life Paths

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Picture of 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

MeetingJAN 201565th Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingInterdisciplinary

Picture of 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

MeetingJUN 201464th Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingPhysiology/Medicine

Picture of 61st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

MeetingJUN 201161st Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingPhysiology/Medicine