Prof. Dr. Efim Zelmanov

Nationality Russia/USA

Institution University of California San Diego, USA

Award 1994

Discipline Interdisciplinary

Motivation"for his work in the field of abstract algebra and group theory, in particular for his solution of the restricted Burnside problem".

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Photo of Efim  Zelmanov


Picture of What Do Mathematicians Think About?

LecturesJUL 2024What Do Mathematicians Think About?Heidelberg Lecture by Efim I. Zelmanov; Introduction: Stefan W. Hell

Picture of Mathematics: Science or Art?

Other HighlightsJUN 2022Mathematics: Science or Art? Online Heidelberg Lecture by Efim I. Zelmanov


Picture of 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

MeetingJUN 202473rd Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingPhysics

Picture of 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

MeetingJUN 202271st Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingChemistry