Sir Harold Kroto

2010 - a Nanospace Odyssey

Wednesday, 29 June 2005
12:00 - 12:30 CEST


This lecture will explore numerous key aspects of science. What Science is, how others perceive science and scientists and some of the problems that non-scientists have in understanding the Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) upon which our modern world is so completely and precariously balanced. SET has truly revolutionised our lives. However our technologies have also catalysed a mass production driven depletion of the Planet’s resources.

For a 50:50 chance of surviving the next century each segment of society from industrialists, engineers and scientists to farmers and fishermen must now take this matter as the most serious issue the world has ever confronted As for the science community they must develop a cultural spirit of sustainability as the main priority. Chemistry has a major role to play as it has the power to become the Fundamental Science for Sustainability. Material from the Vega Science Trust (, which makes TV and Internet programmes to improve public awareness and understanding of science and engineering, will be used to illustrate some of the issues.

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