Prof. Dr. Robert Grubbs

Nationality United States

Institution California Institute of Technology

Award 2005

Discipline Chemistry

Co-recipients Yves Chauvin, Richard Schrock

Motivation"for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis"

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Further Information on the Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize

Photo of Robert Grubbs


Picture of New Chemical Reactions, Catalysis, Green Chemistry

Agora TalksJUL 2021New Chemical Reactions, Catalysis, Green Chemistry Robert H. Grubbs, Richard R. Schrock; Moderator: Wolfgang Lubitz

Picture of Energie: Neuartige Energiespeicher (Teil 3/4)

Mini LecturesDEC 2020Energie: Neuartige Energiespeicher (Teil 3/4)Kapitel III der Mini Lecture Serie zum Thema Energie gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene Formen der Energiespeicherung.

Picture of Energy: Innovative Energy Storage Solutions (Part 3/4)

Mini LecturesDEC 2020Energy: Innovative Energy Storage Solutions (Part 3/4)Chapter III of the Mini Lecture series on the topic of energy provides an overview of different forms of energy storage technologies.



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Picture of 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

MeetingJUN 202170th Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingInterdisciplinary

Picture of 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

MeetingJUN 201363rd Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingChemistry

Picture of 59th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

MeetingJUN 200959th Lindau Nobel Laureate MeetingChemistry